Monday-Friday 06:00 -18:00(24hrs) Weekends: 06:00 - 15:00   +64-21-494-881

Freight Forwarding

Acelogistics is global freight forwarders operating within a worldwide network.   

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Freight Forwarding Service

The principles of freight forwarding are premised on the efficient and cost-effective transfer of goods that are maintained in good condition throughout their travels. To accomplish this, freight forwarders become experts in managing the logistics necessary to ensure that goods arrive on time. Successful trade and shipping in expanding globalized markets means having the right tools at your disposal. Call us today…
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Effortless Shipping with Ace Logistics

Take advantage of Ace Logistics offers which include cost optimisation with reduced transit Times, Real Time monitoring to achieve operational excellence.
Cost Optimisation
Reduced Transit Time
Real Time Monitoring
Operational Excellence